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You are viewing Cheat Codes for Super Mario Galaxy System : Nintendo Wii Date Added : 2007-09-09 22:05:30 Views : 23668 Unlock Luigi Collect all 120 Stars then go back to Rosalina at the Comet Observatory and fight Bowser again. Luigi will be unlocked as the main character after the credits. Buoy Base Galaxy: Pokemon reference In Buoy Base Galaxy, above the tower where you collected the Blue Star Pieces, is a little planetoid that is a sphere with two red panels on top and a lighter bottom with a screw in the middle. It looks exactly like a Pokeball. Buoy Base Galaxy: Pokemon reference In Buoy Base Galaxy, above the tower where you collected the Blue Star Pieces, is a little planetoid that is a sphere with two red panels on top and a lighter bottom with a screw in the middle. It looks exactly like a Pokeball. Grand Finale Galaxy After you get 120 stars as Luigi, you will unlock the Grand Finale Galaxy for both Luigi and Mario, where Star 121 is found after all 100 purple coins are collected." Assistant Use a second Wiimote during game play. Although a second player will not appear, the second Wiimote will have its own pointer, allowing another player to assist by collecting items and helping Mario's jumps. Watermelons Collect 9999 star bits in the hub, and all the coconuts in the game become watermelons. Bonus Levels (Demo version) Instead of just pressing A + B at the main menu of the demo, press and hold 1 + 2 when pressing A + B to access two additional stages. Deep Dark Galaxy: Shortcut In the Deep Dark Galaxy level you can use the cannon on the beach for a shortcut. Normally you would need to use the cannon to shoot yourself to the nearby planet to get a Fire Flower then use the Jump Star to return to the beach so that you can light the two torches to open the door in the first star, or the three torches to make the Ice Flower appear in the second star. However if you get in the cannon and turn it all the way to the left as far as it will go, you will see two yellow platforms moving up and down. Watch them carefully. When the farthest platform is up, line your crosshairs up with the side of it. Then, wait until the closest platform goes back up and fire yourself in that direction. If timed correctly, the platforms will have switched again and you will hit the side of the furthest platform and fall on the ground. You must hit the wall or you will overshoot and die. This will put you inside the "bowel" area without opening the door on the first star. If you are on the second star you will not have to worry about getting the Ice Flower to cross the lake and jump the faucets. You can just proceed right and climb the poles to get to the Bubble Shooter. oming attack Spin in mid-air then immediately press Z to hit the nearest target. Hidden Character Get all 120 stars. Return to Rosalina on the Comet Observatory and request to fight Bowser again. Finish the credits and you will get a message saying that Luigi is now playable. Grand Finale Galaxy and Star 121 To unlock the final star and galaxy, collect all 120 stars with Luigi and beat Bowser. Doing so unlocks the Grand Finale Galaxy, which is the Star Festival seen in the beginning of the game. Collecting the 100 purple coins in this galaxy gets you the final star. Starting Boost When Racing Shadow Mario When the countdown timer starts as you are racing Shadow Mario, hold forward, then as it hits 2, hold down on Z to crouch, and when the race starts hit A right away and you will turn yellow for a few seconds and get a really good boost that will put you way ahead of Shadow Mario. Space Junk Galaxy: Pikmin reference One of the planets is shaped like Captain Olimar's rocket ship that appeared in Pikmin and Pikmin 2. Not enough codes for you? Search for more cheats at cheat codes club. Or simply Click here to find more Super Mario Galaxy cheat codes.
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